Creating Positive Birth Experiences
5 Sessions | 2.5 Hours Each
12.5 Hours Total
- Dream Birth: Understanding the Philosophy and Practices of HypnoBirthing
- Women’s Birthing History: Exploring Key Factors in Natural Birth
- How the Uterus Works
- The Impact of Your Fears on Childbirth
- Endorphins and Oxytocin
- Language during Birth
- How our Thoughts (Mental) Affect our bodies (Physical)
- Calm Breathing: Relaxation and Comfort During Pregnancy
- How to have a painless vaginal exam
- Prenatal Bonding
- What Your Baby Learns in the Womb
- Embryological Studies Result
- HypnoBirthing Techniques
- Care Providers’ Management Styles
- Pregnancy Nutrition
- Toning your body
- How to achieve Deep Relaxation during birthing
- Preparing Your Birth Preferences
- Communicate with Your Doctor through Birth Preferences
- When Baby is breech
- Signs that the Baby is Ready to Be Born
- What is “Due Date”
- Dealing with Overdue Babies
- Natural ways to Initiate Labor
- Special Circumstances
- Fear Release
- When Labor Starts: What to Do
- The Process upon Arrival at the Hospital
- Birth Companion Role for Labor
- Support Techniques for Dad/Partner
- Review Misconceptions about Labor
- Communicate with Healthcare Professionals
- A Woman’s Anatomy as Nature’s Gift
- Insights on Birth from Natural Birth Pioneer/OBGYN Dr. Gregory White
- Preparing Mom and Dad as Baby’s Birth Approaches
- Birthing Positions
- Techniques to Avoid Episiotomy & Tears
- The Fourth Trimester
Discover the Finest HypnoBirthing Antenatal Classes in Malaysia
Are you seeking a gentle birth class that prioritizes a calm and positive birthing experience? Our HypnoBirthing antenatal classes in Malaysia offer a transformative approach to childbirth, empowering you with the knowledge and tools needed for a smooth and confident delivery.
Our HypnoBirthing classes Malaysia are designed to provide expectant parents with comprehensive techniques to manage labor pain through relaxation, visualization, and self-hypnosis. With years of expertise in facilitating childbirth education, our certified educator guides you through every step of our gentle birth class program, ensuring you feel supported and prepared for your special day.
Our antenatal classes combine professional insights with practical strategies to enhance your birthing experience. Join our community of informed parents who have embraced a gentler, more empowering approach to childbirth.
Experience the difference our HypnoBirthing antenatal classes can make. Sign up today and take the first step towards a peaceful, informed birth. For more information about our prenatal classes visit our schedule today to reserve your spot, or check out our occasional free antenatal classes for a preview of what goes into the HypnoBirthing process.

“When you change the way you view birth,
the way you birth will change.”
Marie Mongan, HypnoBirthing® Institute Founder
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