Water Birth
Water Birth in Malaysia: An Alternative Birth Option
Water birth is a popular choice among mothers who prefer a gentle birthing experience. During a water birth, the mother labors and delivers her baby in a warm birthing pool, creating a calm and soothing environment.

What is Water Birth and What Are Its Benefits?
Research has shown that the benefits of water birth include Lower pain scores, shorter labor, Higher rate of intact perineum, higher rate of normal vaginal birth (birth without the use of forceps, vacuum, or surgery),less use of pain medication during labor, less use of artificial oxytocin, less use of episiotomy and greater satisfaction with the birth.
Water birth is safe for babies. The largest and highest-quality meta-analysis on water births (Burns et al. 2022) found that babies born in water have similar health outcomes to those born on land.
Does Learning HypnoBirthing® Mean I Can Only Choose Water Birth?
No, you can choose to give birth on land, such as on a bed. Wherever you decide to birth your baby, the body’s natural birthing process remains the same, and the techniques and knowledge you gain from the course will be just as helpful.

How Does Gentle Baby’s HypnoBirthing® Antenatal Class Help with Water Birth?
The HypnoBirthing® program, established in 1989, has spread to 47 countries. Through prenatal education and preparation, expectant mothers will better understand the body’s natural birthing process, maximizing the benefits of water birth.
Where Can You Have a Water Birth in Malaysia?
Choose a hospital that offers water birth services, such as Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur, located in Bangsar.