Birth Story

Wan Chiew Delivers in 6 Hours: Following the Heart Matters Most

√ Follow the intuition
√ 6-hour birth
√ No induction
√ No medication
√ No episiotomy

Initially, when I enrolled in Shanshan’s Hypnobirthing Gentle Birth Preparation Course, I approached it with the intention of learning about this unfamiliar yet intriguing topic of “pregnancy and childbirth.” Choosing to attend this course proved to be a wise decision as it provided me with knowledge, methods, case studies, and strategies that transformed my and my husband’s preconceived notions about childbirth. It turns out that giving birth is not as frightening as imagined.

Regarding my childbirth experience, it was indeed different from the typical gentle birth experience. As someone who tends to be more anxious, the entire pregnancy was filled with tension. The onset of the pandemic only heightened my concerns about safely delivering my baby. However, after taking the Hypnobirthing course, I realized that I needed—and could—approach childbirth with a calm and joyful heart. I was confident that I could have a wonderful birthing experience and safely bring my baby into the world.

Initially, at 38 weeks, the doctor detected contractions and conducted internal examinations and CTG monitoring. I was already dilated to one centimeter with contractions. The doctor informed me that delivery could occur within a few days or take up to one or two weeks. However, the baby seemed unprepared to meet the world, and the wait extended to 39 weeks and 3 days, even though I was eagerly counting down the days. I had hoped that the baby would be ready to come on its own, but my anxious nature and the noticeable decrease in fetal movements led my husband and me to decide to induce labor under planned circumstances.

On the day of induction, we approached the delivery with excitement. We had a wonderful breakfast, went to the hospital, and underwent checks—all while chatting and laughing, eagerly awaiting the contractions. Indeed, we welcomed the contractions with the knowledge that stronger contractions meant we were closer to meeting our baby.

“Do what makes you feel secure and joyful”: I always remember Shanshan saying that gentle birthing is not about forcing the use of all the techniques or strictly following what was taught in class. Instead, it is about learning to approach childbirth with a calm, gentle, and joyful heart. We were happy because we achieved that.

The five-hour labor, from one to three centimeters dilation and waiting through peak contractions, was accompanied by soothing music and effective calm breathing in a dimly lit room. Despite the pain of contractions, the correct breathing techniques and visualization eased the sensations. The doctor came for a second internal examination and happily reported that I was dilated to three centimeters and could have my water broken and receive an IV.

The doctor planned to return in four hours to assist with delivery, but within 45 minutes, the process progressed so rapidly that I barely had time to react. Within 45 minutes, dilation progressed from three to five centimeters, then five to eight centimeters. I experienced an intense urge to push, which is a key sign that the baby is ready to be born. I repeatedly told the nurse that the baby was coming, while my husband held my hand, guided me through breathing adjustments (my mind was quite blank), and finally, dilation reached full. The doctor arrived and guided me through three J-Breathing (a medical term for pushing), safely delivering the baby along with the placenta, etc.

The baby was truly eager to meet us!

The entire process was blessed, quick, smooth, and straightforward, without screaming or crying. After the birth, I was still energetic and chatted with the doctor about the tearing and stitches. There was no episiotomy, and I was able to move comfortably within 3-4 days, with the wound 90% healed within four weeks.

This was the natural delivery I desired, with the baby being born through the birth canal, leaving me feeling both physically and emotionally positive. I am grateful to have chosen a supportive doctor who guided me calmly and skillfully, walking through the Birth Plan with me, offering suggestions, and ensuring I felt reassured and composed for the delivery.

In summary, this birthing experience has made me look forward to the arrival of the next baby even more.
【Mentor’s Note】
On the morning of the baby’s birth, Wan Chiew’s message included a photo of the little one with the caption, “Hahahaha, hello everyone!” Wow! She had given birth.

“At the end, I chose to induce labor. The day before, the baby’s movements had decreased, causing concern and anxiety, but I followed my heart, hahah!” she said.

Her straightforward and cheerful nature truly shines through. I could not help but imagine the scene described in her birth story where she mentioned that they approached the delivery with excitement. I smiled at the thought.

Mothers often ask me how to know when they are in labor. I teach them how to monitor contractions and other methods (here omitted for brevity). In the end, I always say: you will know when the time comes.

Indeed, trust your feelings! Just like Wan Chiew did.

It may sound mysterious, but experiencing it firsthand makes it believable and truly magical. Ultimately, the purpose of Hypnobirthing is to help mothers prepare for childbirth by eliminating distractions and focusing on body awareness and self-belief because the experience really is wonderful!

