Sweet Sleep at Home 2 Hours Before Baby Is Born: Lee Yin’s Gentle Birth Experience

√ Comfortable childbirth √ Natural childbirth √ No episiotomy √ Fast postpartum recovery What Are the Benefits of the Hypnobirthing Course for Me? For me, the benefit was being able to enjoy a good night’s sleep at home just two hours before giving birth. 😄 I arrived at the hospital less than an hour before […]
Embracing uncertainties: Eet Shien Gentle and Calm C-section

√ Cesarean section √ Government Hospital Eet Shien’s Birth Story I am a person who goes with the flow and believes that when things happen, they should be accepted calmly. When I was five months pregnant with my second child, I was still busy with both work and personal matters, and I didn’t have much […]
Giana’s Rapid and Enjoyable Childbirth Experience

√ Baby born in half an hour after full cervical dilation √ Relax childbirth √ Natural childbirth √ No episiotomy Before I became pregnant, I had already noticed Hypnobirthing-Gentle Baby. I thought to myself that if I ever became pregnant, I would definitely take a course with AuYong Sansan! When my baby was just 38 […]
First-Time Mom Munny: Petite Moms Can Definitely Birth Naturally Too

√ Petite mothers √ Natural childbirth √ Finding the most suitable doctor for oneself My little pingo came to the earth on 19 Dec (39week 5days) ❤ weighing 3.4kg and 51cm 😁. Morning feel surge every 10minutes. Text dr and went to hosp 3 hrs later for covid test and check dilation (was 4 cm). […]
Wan Chiew Delivers in 6 Hours: Following the Heart Matters Most

√ Follow the intuition √ 6-hour birth √ No induction √ No medication √ No episiotomy Initially, when I enrolled in Shanshan’s Hypnobirthing Gentle Birth Preparation Course, I approached it with the intention of learning about this unfamiliar yet intriguing topic of “pregnancy and childbirth.” Choosing to attend this course proved to be a wise […]
With the”mommy radar” , Michelle knows when the baby is coming

√ Mother’s instinct √ Gestational diabetes √ Natural birth √ No episiotomy First-time excitement and anticipation began with that tiny spot on the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat. Sometimes I had to wonder if I was indifferent, until I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and realized the bond with the little one inside me. I […]
First-time mom Jia Jia gave birth in 5 hours and says, ‘Childbirth isn’t as scary as I imagined.’

√ Super fast delivery √ No episiotomy In the middle of the night, my water broke, but I didn’t feel any contractions. After waiting at the hospital until the next morning with no symptoms, we decided to proceed with induction. I started the induction medication around 8 a.m., and by 9 a.m., I began to […]
First-time mom Jodie’s natural birth story

√ Successful breech baby turning √ Natural childbirth √ No induction √ No medication My membrane releases in the early morning. I feel like visit my doc, so I went to hospital. Vaginal dilated 3cm. Nothing happened after it. I told doc I want to go home for rest. So during the whole day I […]
Second-time mom Kaithlyn VBAC successfully (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean)

√ VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) √ No episiotomy I’m a mother of VBAC ( vaginal birth after caesarean ) . Yes , Bowen was delivered by Caesarean , by Choice , because that time I feel thrilling for the so call 10 pain level of natural deliver, bla bla bla 😆😆 anyway , Caesarean […]
Second-time mom Szi Min’s medication-free natural childbirth

√ Medication-free childbirth √ Getting out of bed and walking immediately after giving birth When I was pregnant with my first child, I had initially decided not to use an epidural because I was aware of its side effects. However, each time I experienced contractions, I felt very tense and in a lot of pain, […]